Looking for a fantastic opportunity to give back to your community? Look no further than Live Here Love Here's flagship volunteering programme, The BIG Spring Clean. This annual event campaign mobilises individuals, schools, community groups, and businesses from diverse backgrounds to tackle litter and enhance our environment.
The campaign takes place annually from 1st March to 30th April and is open to everyone who wants to contribute—whether you’re flying solo, with a school, a community group, or a business.
Together, let’s clear our streets, parks, and beaches of litter this spring and create a cleaner, more vibrant Northern Ireland!
To showcase the collective effort and real impact of The BIG Spring Clean, we invite you to use our Pride in our Place Promise. This simple form allows you to record the amount of litter you collect, the number of participants, and the duration of your clean-up activities.
Why Log Your Litter?
The data you provide helps us:
By participating in The BIG Spring Clean, you’re not just cleaning up; you’re a part of a larger movement to inspire change across Northern Ireland.
Get involved, make a difference, and help us spread the word. Together, we can achieve a cleaner, greener Northern Ireland this spring!
With thanks to the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs for supporting the 2024 BIG Spring Clean campaign.
Live Here Love Here is not responsible for (and will accept no liability for) any losses or damages you incur or suffer in connection with your participation in any of our programmes and campaigns, save to the extent that such liability cannot be limited or excluded by law.